
Case Study: Making the Switch to Poly Strapping

With the holiday season in full swing, sometimes even Santa helpers need a little assistance. Our customer, a Southeastern grower and producer of Christmas trees, recently found themselves in just such a spot. To transport more trees in one truckload, the client had begun to bundle them onto compressed pallets that were held together with steel strapping. However, they quickly realized that the -inch x.025-inch, high tensile metal strapping was both expensive and hazardous to the employees handling it. That's where we stepped in to recommend making the switch to poly strapping. Not only did our team help spread Christmas cheer by suggesting the use of polyester strapping, but we were also able to suggest a new bundling method for each pallet of trees. To find the ideal solution, we performed a number of tests and eventually concluded that 5/8-inch x .045-inch polyester strapping was the best choice, especially when applied with a pneumatic combination strapping tool. There are numerous benefits of using polyester strapping instead of steel straps in this situation. The poly material is less expensive, is safer to handle and work with, and allows the product to bundle their trees faster and more effectively. Better yet, the pneumatic strapping tool we recommended is hung from a convenient balancer in the work area, which expedites the bundling process even further. Overall, this Christmas tree producer brought cheer to their customers and themselves by saving more than$10,000 each year.

The Problem

Our customer, a major producer of Christmas trees in the Southeastern United States, utilized expensive, hazardous metal strapping to bundle their trees onto a compressed pallet for transport and delivery to their retail partners.
  • Dangerous to any worker opening or handling the bundled trees
  • Expensive
  • Time-consuming

The Solution

We helped the customer make the switch from metal strapping to polyester strapping, as well as added a pneumatic strapping tool that's suspended from a tool balancer at the strapping site for easy access and fast application.
  • Less expensive
  • Safe to handle and cut open
  • Improves the speed of the bundling process, resulting in more efficient work and decreased labor costs
By making a full switch to polyester strapping, our customer was able tosavemore than 15% annuallybetween material costs and labor expenses.

The Future Of Poly Strapping

Steel strapping has been rising in price for many years and continues on that upward trend today. Because of this, many companies across the world are finding the advantages of poly strapping it offers nearly the same performance as its metal strapping counterpart at a fraction of the price. Check out some of the specs on polyester strapping right here:
  • Nick and Ding resistant
  • Can be sealed with heat, friction welding, or actual seals
  • Provides the most strength and highest retained tension of all poly strapping materials
  • Great for heavy-duty loads requiring high initial and retained tension
  • A variety of tools available to apply polyester strapping

Ready To Make The Switch?

If you are still stuck on steel strapping, now is a better time than ever to increase your savings, reduce your labor hours, and improve safety at your facility. Contact us today to learn more and how we can help find the right poly strapping for your business.

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